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Dark and Lovely Beautiful Beginnings Scalp Care Relaxer Kit Normal to Coarse Hair

Dark and Lovely Beautiful Beginnings Scalp Care Relaxer Kit Normal to Coarse Hair

Regular price $33.00
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Dark and Lovely Beautiful Beginnings Scalp Care Relaxer Kit

This Dark and Lovely Beautiful Beginnings No-Lye Relaxer Kit Fine is expertly formulated to protect and moisturise your hair during the relaxing process. Its no-mistake technology infused with nourishing Coconut Oil and Aloe Vera provides intense nourishment, shine, and healthy-looking hair. The scalp protection gel provides protection to your scalp for a no-ouch relaxer experience. Dark and Lovely Beautiful Beginnings Scalp Care No Lye Relaxer Kit Normal works within 10 to 15 mins for normal hair. Benefits: gently relaxes hair for straight silky hair; has a no-lye system and included in the kit is a scalp protection gel for scalp comfort during the relaxing process; is infused with Coconut Oil and Aloe Vera to nourish your hair during the relaxing process.

How to use:  protect your scalp with the scalp protection gel for no ouch; mix the relaxer 2A and the activator 2B until smooth, apply the relaxer mixture, full kit for virgin hair and half kit for retouching new growth; smooth the relaxer, do not exceed the maximum recommended processing time for your hair type; rinse out the relaxer thoroughly; apply the neutralising shampoo (if the lather is pink, continue shampooing, if the lather is white, your relaxer is completely washed off); apply oil moisturiser for long lasting moisture and shiny hair.

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